Anti-Trust, Podcast, and Events Statements
Anti-Trust Policy Statement
It is the policy of The DYOJO (herein referred to as TDP) to comply with the letter and spirit of all applicable federal, state, and international trade regulations and antitrust laws.
All activities or discussions occurring under the auspices of TDP shall be conducted in compliance with the letter and spirit of TDP anti-trust policy and shall refrain from discussing topics which might be construed as tending to:
▪ (1) raise, lower, or stabilize prices
▪ (2) regulate production
▪ (3) allocate markets
▪ (4) encourage boycotts
▪ (5) foster unfair trade practices
▪ (6) assist in monopolization
▪ (7) or in any way violate federal, state, or applicable international trade regulations and antitrust laws.
Any activities and/or actions of TDP, its officers, directors, staff, invited speakers, or other participants and contributors which violate these regulations and laws are detrimental to the assessment, remediation, reconstruction, and restoration industries and contrary to TDP policy.
All activities or discussions occurring under the auspices of TDP shall be conducted in compliance with the letter and spirit of TDP anti-trust policy and shall refrain from discussing topics which might be construed as tending to:
▪ (1) raise, lower, or stabilize prices
▪ (2) regulate production
▪ (3) allocate markets
▪ (4) encourage boycotts
▪ (5) foster unfair trade practices
▪ (6) assist in monopolization
▪ (7) or in any way violate federal, state, or applicable international trade regulations and antitrust laws.
Any activities and/or actions of TDP, its officers, directors, staff, invited speakers, or other participants and contributors which violate these regulations and laws are detrimental to the assessment, remediation, reconstruction, and restoration industries and contrary to TDP policy.
Professional Decorum Statement
It is the policy of TDP to ask educational event attendees, instructors, guest presenters, podcast participants and sponsors to refrain from making verbal or written slanderous or derogatory comments about individuals, companies, or other industry entities.
During formal presentations, audience interaction (Q&A sessions) and informal meetings connected with TDP podcasts and events it is encouraged that restraint be made from mentioning specific names if not required when asking a question or making a comment.
Please be respectful of other viewpoints during live interviews and at live events, state questions and comments in a generic form, when possible, to avoid complaints and disputes amongst TDP invited guests, attendees, event participants and industry stakeholders.
Thank you for complying with this policy designed to encourage a free exchange of ideas and opinions in a spirit of learning by an interaction among attendees with different backgrounds and experiences.
During formal presentations, audience interaction (Q&A sessions) and informal meetings connected with TDP podcasts and events it is encouraged that restraint be made from mentioning specific names if not required when asking a question or making a comment.
Please be respectful of other viewpoints during live interviews and at live events, state questions and comments in a generic form, when possible, to avoid complaints and disputes amongst TDP invited guests, attendees, event participants and industry stakeholders.
Thank you for complying with this policy designed to encourage a free exchange of ideas and opinions in a spirit of learning by an interaction among attendees with different backgrounds and experiences.
Copyright Statement
The DYOJO and/or its instructional presenters may present general resource and professional referral information to education events attendees and event participants in the form of printed and/or digital materials to serve as a resource for the purpose of professional development and company growth.
All rights reserved. All materials are subject to copyright laws, and any advice or information contained should be reviewed by an attorney in the demographic it is to be used.
The DYOJO is not responsible for the use and/or application of the information and materials provided.
The copyright exclusion does NOT apply to materials that do not include a copyright statement and are intended for utilization by the recipient as an education tool with associates, customers, and other interested parties. It is suggested before circulating materials to consider evaluation for applicability and intended purpose. This may include but is not limited to seeking counsel from an attorney, financial adviser, insurance professional and/or other subject matter expert.
All rights reserved. All materials are subject to copyright laws, and any advice or information contained should be reviewed by an attorney in the demographic it is to be used.
The DYOJO is not responsible for the use and/or application of the information and materials provided.
The copyright exclusion does NOT apply to materials that do not include a copyright statement and are intended for utilization by the recipient as an education tool with associates, customers, and other interested parties. It is suggested before circulating materials to consider evaluation for applicability and intended purpose. This may include but is not limited to seeking counsel from an attorney, financial adviser, insurance professional and/or other subject matter expert.
Professional Disclaimer
The DYOJO and/or its instructional presenters will not be held liable for the use, interpretation, and application of any resource information. Furthermore, it is not the intent of TDP or its instructors, interviewees, show guests and presenters to provide professional, legal, medical or insurance advice during podcasts, workshops, or education event proceedings. Counsel on insurance issues, legal matters and/or professional advice surrounding restoration, remediation, IAQ issues and safety and health considerations should be sought by an expert in your service region's jurisdiction with knowledge of best practices and local statutes. The DYOJO does not necessarily endorse the companies or individuals opinion and viewpoint during a podcast or live event. Any statements made should NOT be considered the policy of The DYOJO.
Recordings and Photos: Privacy Statement
To allow for a free flow of information at live TDP events, attendees should refrain from recording live proceedings or interaction between presenters, guests, and attendees. Furthermore, permission should be asked and granted before taking and/or sending photos over the internet or through electronic means at events under The DYOJO auspices. Thank you for complying with this policy designed to facilitate open dialogue without a concern of statements being taken out of context.
The DYOJO Podcast & Events
Lessons Learned from Storm Response Workshop
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Hilton Naples
Naples, FL
730am - 530pm
In-person and online
Lessons Learned from Storm Response and Hurricane Recovery
One-day workshop
Hilton Naples
Naples, FL
730am - 530pm
In-person and online
Lessons Learned from Storm Response and Hurricane Recovery
One-day workshop
Thursdays are for The DYOJO Podcast
The DYOJO Podcast - helping contractors shorten their DANG learning curve - is available on YouTube and Spotify
Monthly Meetings for Contractors
The Fellowship of Construction Knowledge and Entrepreneurial Development (aka FoCKED) is a monthly education and networking meeting for contractors in Washington State. Check our website for updates and join us the 2nd Tuesday of every month for in-person meetings.