This week, on The DYOJO Podcast, we will discuss record breaking efforts by contractors who care for their local communities. We will share some creative ways business owners and managers can connect with clients and engage their employees. This Episode #110 0:00 Contractors break charitable record 0:56 Creative community and team engagement 5:40 SOCKTember 2023 results 10:24 Kate Cinnamo on educating young people 14:22 Record breaking sock raising efforts 19:38 Nicole Humber on breaking the glass ceiling 27:31 Thank you to SOCKTember participants and contributors Joe Biden Home Rehab MoneyFirst, let’s recap what we talked about in our last episode. Biden wants to fix your house. Go get that Biden money. In Episode 109 we discussed how President Biden proposed $16 billion for the Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit, which would result in more than 400,000 homes built or rehabilitated, creating a pathway for more families to buy a home and start building wealth. We talked about the 203(k) reinvestment loan and how that can lead to opportunities for home buyers, home owners, and contractors. Find where the money is and explore whether your team can tool themselves to be of service. As the economy evolves, business must do the same. We all know the six deadly words - we’ve always done it that way - yet how often are we really challenging ourselves. When was the last time you checked your mindset as a business owner or changed a habit as a manager? Steve Jobs had a term, “self disruption”. Recognizing that companies, industries, and economies are always being disrupted. The only constant is change. So why not build into yourself and your team the practice of disrupting yourself? The Power of Thank YouWe talked to Michelle Blevins a few episodes ago (#102) about creative ways to engage your community and your team. Many times these efforts don’t need to be anything extraordinary to be impactful. In my second book, Be Intentional: Culture, one segment many readers cite is the chapter by Lisa Lavender. She is the mastermind behind Berks Fire and Water in X, Pennsylvania as well as the Restoration Technical Institute. In her chapter she discusses the importance and impact of simply saying, “Thank you.” SOCKTember 2023 ResultsRestorers Set a Record Raising OVER 72,000 NEW Socks for Local Charities Since 2020, skilled trades have been competing to see who can raise the most pairs of new socks for local charitable organizations. In 2021 teams from On Side Restoration joined The DYOJO Podcast Annual SOCKTember NEW Sock-Raising Challenge to expand the effort into an international challenge. This year C&R Magazine joined the effort as a sock-raising competitor as well as incorporating the event into their Restoring Kindness initiative. SOCKTember History In the year of the shutdown, several contractors in Washington State gathered together to source a creative way to reach out to customers, engage their communities, and inspire their teams. SOCKTember started with the simple idea of having fun and doing good with the added incentive of competing against fellow contractors to see who could raise the most pairs of NEW socks to donate to local charities.
SOCKTember Annual Results (Years Past) Year 1: 2020
Year 2: 2021
Year 3: 2022
SOCKTember 2023 Results State vs. State This year SOCKTember added many new states, inlcuding Connecticut, Florida, Pennsylvania, Colorado, New York, New Jersey, and Michigan. Thanks to the addition of Advanced Disaster Recovery (ADRI) New Jersey made a run at the state title raising 5,639 pairs of NEW socks but was beaten by four-time states chamption Washington with a total of 6,069. Nation vs. Nation (RECORD) Since their emergence in the competition in 2021, Canada has proven to be a fierce competitor at the national and team level. In truth, they have been only widening the gap in most categories in large part due to the involvement of the engagement from the On Side Restoration headquarters as well as the drive of the individual offices. Canada set a new national record raised 44,797 pairs of NEW socks. 2023 Total NEW Socks Raised (RECORD) Thirty eight teams, many of whom were new to the competition, worked diligently during the month of September to enlist their teams and communities to help them raise socks. Graham Auto Repair (WA) and Triple D (WA) went out on their own, with the Graham team gathering automotive professionals from several states to represent the efforts of their industry. Rare Restoration (CO) and Ironclad Restoration Marketing (FL) also formed their own teams to represent their home states. SOCKTember 2023 set a new world record raising and donating 72,441 pairs of NEW socks. In four years this brings the total of NEW socks raised and donated to charitable organizations to 202,167. 2023 Awards and Top 5 Teams
SOCKTember 2023 WINNER This years winner joined the competition in 2021 and hit the ground running as the fourth place finisher with 4,532. In 2022 they nearly doubled their NEW sock haul raising and donating 8,144 pairs of NEW socks but were overtaken by a team that went from 36 pairs in 2021 to setting the all time record in 2022, On Side Restoration - Laval. Finally, after elevating the quantity of socks raised year after year, On Side Restoration - Red Deer takes home the SOCKTember 2023 trophy by raising the second highest total ever at 10,794 pairs of NEW socks. Congratulations to On Side Restoration and the fiercely competitive team of do-gooders at the Red Deer office! SOCKTember 2023 Teams
Pierce County Sock Thank YousSOCKTember 2023 Thank You’s For our team, The Best DANG Sock Raising Team in Pierce County we want to thank those contributors who made themselves known. Many people gave generously and anonymously. Our generous drop sites - Jimmy, Dawn, and the team at Edward Jones of Graham Washington, Judy and the team at Tacoma Trophy, Quincy and the team at Campfire Coffee, and Theory Real Estate. There were several companies and individual contributors as well, including Movement Mortgage, Arken, ARES, Washington Restorer, Expert Restoration, Tyler Hegstad, Jotasha Krueger, Terrance Krueger, Dave English, Jennifer English, Hendricks Family, Nan Gehlen, Encircle, Luke Draeger, Aramsco, Joyce Gabriel, and MANY MORE. Restoring Kindness and SOCKTember 2024 The DYOJO Podcast and C&R Magazine want to thank all of those who participated, donated, and helped spread the word. Check out the Restoring Kindness website to register your team for the traditional Spring Restoring Kindness event as well as the Fall SOCKTember (September) event for next year. Let’s continue to have some fun, do a lot of good, and help promote all of the good things that our industry does in our local communities. Next Week We keep promoting this week to week, but next week we will actually dive into a story about a construction project here in my home state that was off the mark by billions. As we talked about in the opening thoughts, a lack of vision, clarity, oversight, and willingness to address the issues lead up to billions in losses and an overall failure to complete the project. The DYOJO PodcastCredits
The DYOJO Podcast is produced by The DYOJO (D-Y-O-J-O). Host Jon Isaacson, the Intentional Restorer, is an author and contractor based in Puyallup Washington. You can find out more about this podcast, including blog posts with content references, as well as Jon’s books for contractors and other services at If you have enjoyed this content, please like, subscribe, and share.
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